THANK YOU for having joined us for our biggest year yetin 2024
for our concerts in NYC at Symphony Space and
globally for 17 worldwide concerts!
May 28 @ 8 PM: Legendary Pianism with Maryam Raya and Thomas Osuga
May 30 @ 8 PM: Both Sides Now: Music of Joni Mitchell with Hannah Reimman
June 1 @ 12 Noon: Children and Teens Concert with Chelsea Solis
June 1 @ 8 PM: The Music of David Amram with Thomas Weaver
June 2 @ 3 PM: Multi Artist Stretto Celebration
June 4 @ 7 PM: Closing Night Celebration - Jazz Meets Classical
May 15-23, 2021
June 19-26, 2022
July 15-23, 2023
July 15 -23, 2023
World Premiere of Clemens Rating’s “Thaw” on Hannah’s MiniKey Piano celebrating Piano Day on the 88th day of the year
Friday, March 26, 2021
This event and piece inspired The International Stretto Piano Festival
Here’s a private video from 11 years ago that Hannah used to audition for a women inventor’s casting that she was invited to. You might find it amusing and informative in light of developments about these pianos today.
Please see the events page for more information about our upcoming concerts!
After 30 years of working with Steinway & Sons, Hannah is happy to announce custom-built Steinway grand pianos with keys that are narrower than conventional keys
Stretto = narrow in Italian
Pianos like the "Stretto" Steinway grand she owns whose keys fit her little hands, created from her personal efforts and resources in 1997 are now available from Steinway & Sons USA also in the EU and all other territories on custom-order.
Please contact Hannah at if you are interested in ordering a new custom “Stretto” grand piano from Steinway & Sons. As an Official Steinway Educator and an artist who has promoted and researched such pianos since she was a student, this victory will lead to even greater innovation! Most of all, a choice is now being offered to pianists who are not comfortable playing a 48-inch, 88-key keyboard.
Hannah is the only liaison for these new instruments and will be happy to connect serious inquiries for newly built Steinway grand pianos with narrower keys to the appropriate parties.
At this particular time, Steinway & Sons does not retrofit existing pianos with narrower keys. In other words, they don’t provide the service to rebuild the piano you now own to have narrower keys - they will only build new ones.
If you would like to have your existing grand piano retrofitted with narrower keys, please contact David Steinbuhler in the USA at (814) 673-5056, or Kluge Keyboards in Germany at You will need to have a technician available in your local area to rely on to assist in the retrofit of your piano.
If you would like to try her Steinway grand piano in New York City please contact her and the Stretto Piano Concerts team.
Hannah conceived of a music festival for stretto pianos in 2021 to celebrate Steinway’s participation in this exciting innovation in piano technology. In collaboration with the Inaugural season’s Co-Artistic Directors, pianist and professor, Carol Leone, and pianist Rhonda Boyle, and thanks to their network, PASK (Pianists for Alternately Sized Keys) the International Stretto Piano Festival was born, featuring 18 pianists from four continents performing for nine days in May 2021.
All the performers at these festivals concertize on pianos that have keys that are narrower than conventional ones.
Upcoming posts on this website, the Stretto Piano Festival Facebook page, the PASK website, and its Facebook page will update interested performers and audiences about this unique event and other things Stretto!
Another memorabilia photo circa 2007 of Hannah playing her piano in beautiful St. Pauls cathedral-like church in East Harlem when it was used for concerts there.
The 6.2-inch octave keyboards that Steinway & Sons now offers for grand pianos on custom order reflect the overall 1180mm width of narrower 88-key keyboards. These keyboards are make by Kluge, the manufacturer in Germany owned by Steinway. According to the Engineering Department, the sharper the angle of the cut in the wood or the keys to accommodate the narrower size, the more unstable and weak the keys can be. Currently, Steinway is offering these 6.2-inch octave keyboards for retrofit or in new grand pianos. The drawing above shows both the grain of the wood and the basic “look” of a narrower key for a grand piano. The angle gets steeper to further you go toward Key #1 or Key #88. Please contact Hannah at to order a Stretto piano from Steinway or to retrofit an existing Steinway piano with Stretto keys.
Memorabilia photo from circa 1997 when Hannah had her piano rebuilt shows that a tiny person can comfortably get inside a grand piano!